Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day 2

We woke five minutes before breakfast ended at 9:25am. We raced down the hall to get cold cereal and a little fruit. Today we took a tour of Alyssa and Nathan’s new school. The headmistress, Mrs. French, was very nice and introduced Alyssa and Nathan to their teachers. We decided that Thursday would be the starting day for the kids since Alyssa’s class was having a field trip on Wednesday.

We wandered into Cambridge to find a store to buy beds. As soon as we had beds, we would be able to sleep at the house. We spent a lot of time driving around Cambridge trying to figure out what street we were on. Dale had seen a few bed stores on his way to pick up the rental car, so we were trying to find our way back to them. This proved to be a very difficult task. We kept ending up on streets we had been on 10 minutes before. It was hard enough to make sure we were on the right side of the road. We would make one turn and then have to turn again twenty feet later. After about an hour of wandering, we stumbled across a bed store that we knew nothing about and decided that we would give that one a try.

Dale’s company gave us a small allowance for beds. We were to expense it on his company credit card so that we would not have to pay for it and then get reimbursed later. We found that the budget was not overly generous and that the beds we initially picked would not be delivered for 15-20 days. The prospect of staying in the hotel for that length of time was more than we would stomach. Dale asked the salesman what beds could be delivered ASAP. Our selection was quickly reduced, but we reasoned that three years is not a long time for mattresses so we made our selections. He told us that he could deliver the mattresses to the house on Thursday and the bed frames would be delivered the following week. Good enough for us. We could sleep on the floor until the bed frames arrived. That’s still better than the hotel!

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